
Josie loves getting students excited about schools. Every year, she tours colleges and universities across the U.S. to learn about their programs, culture and community. She talks to admission officers to understand their admission process, what they’re looking for in students, and the qualities and traits of students who are successful on their campus. She also talks to current students to get their perspective on the student experience. Josie brings all this insight back to her students.

Her familiarity with all types of schools and programs is invaluable for advising students about:

Large Public Universities

. . . with big time athletics, school spirit, lots of class choices, activities, and Greek Life.

Small Liberal Arts Colleges

. . . that emphasize the undergraduate experience, small discussion-based classes, and the student to professor relationship.

Specialty Schools

. . . that focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), Art, Music, or Nursing.